Friday, November 26, 2021

Cranberry Thanksgiving

Hi. Today I'm gonna tell you a bit of Cranberry Thanksgiving.
The book Cranberry Thanksgiving is a book of fun, and laughter.  It tells a good story that you shouldn't 
judge anyone from what they look like or smell like. You should be kind to everyone. 
It is a good book for school or just for fun!
The characters are fun and exciting with thrills!
A couple weeks ago me and my family made Mr. Whiskers!


Thursday, November 25, 2021

Meet my dog, Bella

Hi. wanna meet my dog?
Her name is Bella, she's 1 years old. She love's to play, get belly rubs, and rolling around,
like a typical dog. But she's very clumsy she's also heavy, but I love every bit of her! From snout to tail.

Be sure to check out my moms blog.


Meet my dog, Lulu

Hi. As you can see my dog is ridding a pony! Do you want to know my dogs name? 
Lulu, that's here name.  She's 3 years old and constantly playing or sleeping.  She's a very playful dog but around two or three o'clock she's already been sleeping for hours.

Wednesday, November 24, 2021

My very first blog post


Hello my name is SG and I am a very inquisitive girl. I love history, acting, and my family.
As you can see here I'm Abraham Lincoln. Here's a quote...

"Most folks are as happy as they make up their minds to be.''